Suddenly, I saw myself making my way thru LAX - prophetic, forward-moving, life-giving paintings in my right hand and Jermaine’s urn under my left arm - and heard:


boom loudly and clearly in my spirit. I knew what it meant instantly…

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I wanted her to be wrong. I really did. But I knew she wasn’t. The problem was that, with the new video series I was about to release, if bad hair and bad breath was an issue, some of the intimate details of my life that I’d shared in those videos – details I’d ONLY share because I knew they would help someone – yeah…those were really going to be an issue.

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Soooo You're Back…?

I hate lies now. Like…A LOT. The worst lies, I find, are the ones that I don’t even know I’m telling. Those are the ones that have their root in the deep, dark and murky recesses of my insecurities, past rejections, and the total conviction that if I can’t see them, no one else can either. Until I unceremoniously find out they can.

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What'd You Call Me?

Last year, I made a new friend. I love that because, as I’ve traveled this world more, I have come to value and have a greater appreciation for what that word really means. I don’t take it lightly. One day, as I was talking with God about why this person was in my life, I heard one thing: “…to teach him bravery”.

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gardening, spirit, spirituality, talk to God, God, Holy Spirit, prayer, pray, Los Angeles, L.A., LA, favor, abundance, flow, ingratitude, thank you, thankfulness, gratefulness, gratitude, forgetfulness, forget, forgot, forgetting, forgotten, thankful, salvation, rescue, save, saved, deliverance, proud, pride, tap on, tap off, increase, wealth, prosperity, money, love, friends, friendship, freedom, joy, loyalty, alignment, blessing, blessings, power, family, Marie Kondo, tidy house, limitlessness, no limit, grateful, life hack, meditation, meditate, remember, adulting, advice, answers, appreciation, be present, being present, faith, growth, life coaching, life strategy, maturity, mindfulness, pay attention, peace, self discovery, shortcuts, truth, understanding, vision, winning, wisdom, women, inner peace Samantha Sarah Anne gardening, spirit, spirituality, talk to God, God, Holy Spirit, prayer, pray, Los Angeles, L.A., LA, favor, abundance, flow, ingratitude, thank you, thankfulness, gratefulness, gratitude, forgetfulness, forget, forgot, forgetting, forgotten, thankful, salvation, rescue, save, saved, deliverance, proud, pride, tap on, tap off, increase, wealth, prosperity, money, love, friends, friendship, freedom, joy, loyalty, alignment, blessing, blessings, power, family, Marie Kondo, tidy house, limitlessness, no limit, grateful, life hack, meditation, meditate, remember, adulting, advice, answers, appreciation, be present, being present, faith, growth, life coaching, life strategy, maturity, mindfulness, pay attention, peace, self discovery, shortcuts, truth, understanding, vision, winning, wisdom, women, inner peace Samantha Sarah Anne

Tap On

I had been praying quietly and singing when suddenly I heard it:

“I’m turning the tap on and I’m not turning it off. The only thing that can turn it off is ingratitude because ingratitude makes you forgetful. Ingratitude leads to forgetfulness and forgetfulness will turn your tap off…”


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retreat, retreats, plan B, determination, focus, Christmas, 2018, joy, holiday, holidays, sorrow, pain, disappointment, grief, depression, break up, Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, Los Angeles, L.A., LA, California, Southern California, love, love yourself, accomplishment, moving forward, move forward, life, life hack, life coaching, life strategy, change, looking back, regret, living in the past, living in the present, future, new life, Alexander the Great, burn the boats, freedom, hope, abundance, adulting, adversity, advice, aggressive, anxiety, be brave, be present, being present, believe in yourself, boldness, brave, bravery, breakthrough, celebration, character, choice, courage, encouragement, empowerment, enjoy life, faith, fearlessness, fear, favor, goals, growth, increase, inner peace, inner healing, inner wounds, limitlessness, maturity, mindfulness, no limit, optimism, optimistic, overcoming, power, prosperity, resurrection, second acts, second chance, self care, self discovery, spirituality, starting over, strength, success, transformation, vision, vision quest, weakness, winning, wisdom, women, victory Samantha Sarah Anne retreat, retreats, plan B, determination, focus, Christmas, 2018, joy, holiday, holidays, sorrow, pain, disappointment, grief, depression, break up, Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, Los Angeles, L.A., LA, California, Southern California, love, love yourself, accomplishment, moving forward, move forward, life, life hack, life coaching, life strategy, change, looking back, regret, living in the past, living in the present, future, new life, Alexander the Great, burn the boats, freedom, hope, abundance, adulting, adversity, advice, aggressive, anxiety, be brave, be present, being present, believe in yourself, boldness, brave, bravery, breakthrough, celebration, character, choice, courage, encouragement, empowerment, enjoy life, faith, fearlessness, fear, favor, goals, growth, increase, inner peace, inner healing, inner wounds, limitlessness, maturity, mindfulness, no limit, optimism, optimistic, overcoming, power, prosperity, resurrection, second acts, second chance, self care, self discovery, spirituality, starting over, strength, success, transformation, vision, vision quest, weakness, winning, wisdom, women, victory Samantha Sarah Anne

Burn the Boats!

I realized then that I had continued to hold onto one residual thought; one remnant feeling that was very effective at preventing me from moving forward with any sense of urgency. That residual remnant was this: that there was something to ‘go back’ to.

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