What Was the Last Thing?
One thing about learning to hear God that you have to know is that He doesn’t chatter like a lot of people do. He doesn’t speak from sentence to sentence. He speaks from season to season. When He says something, that’s the thing He’s saying until He says something new. And He never moves on to something new until the last thing He said has run its full course.
So what’s the last thing you heard? Do you remember? Have you finally stopped long enough yet during this quarantine to ask?
If you don’t remember (or you’ve never heard anything before)…listen, it’s simple. First, just know that God loves you. Yes you. No matter what. Period. Now…get quiet, get still, and pray. Ask God what His last instructions were and then listen*. I guarantee you they were very simple. Then be obedient.
So…what’s the last thing He’s said to you? What’s the last thing He’s saying to all of us??
I’ll give you a clue: it’s one more blog over >>>>
Love y’all. Stay safe and stay sane. But above all, remember: God loves us ALL and ALL things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. That means you 😘💛
*Note: It’s much easier to hear and understand what you’re hearing when you’ve been filled with Gods’s Holy Spirit. If you’re interested in this, drop me a line in the comments 😇